
Psík menom Dobby nepočúva na bežné povely. Jeho majiteľka ho totiž naučila 15 kúziel z Harryho Pottera

Audriana Li, ktorá prevádzkuje profil @dobbyisafreedoodle na Instagrame a TikTok, hovorí, že naučila svojho 3-ročného psa reagovať na kúzla z Harryho Pottera ako príkazy. Píše o tom NY POST.

„Dávno predtým, ako prišiel Dobby, som vedela, že svojho budúceho psa budem trénovať kúzlami Harryho Pottera namiesto bežných príkazov,“ napísala k nedávnemu virálnemu klipu. „Milujem pocit, že mám skutočné magické schopnosti vždy, keď ho požiadam, aby prišiel, zostal alebo hral mŕtveho.“

@dobbyisafreedoodle Dobby comes with me to the Ministry of Magic, aka my office, about once a month and my coworkers get a kick out of seeing him respond to Harry Potter spells 🪄 Answering some common questions I get about bringing Dobby to the office: 🪄 when I’m at my desk, I let Dobby roam free but will Accio (recall) him if he wanders too far; occasionally I’ll tether him to my desk if I’m on calls and don’t want to worry about him wandering off 🪄 he comes to meetings with me and is usually good if I put him in a Stupefy Immobulus (down stay) or Protego (tuck), but last week he kept climbing up on my coworkers trying to get attention during a client call 😅 we were on camera and the clients thought it was hilarious! 🪄 there are often other dogs at the office and Dobby gets along great with everyone he’s met, but is also able to be neutral and not play with them constantly which is so important to ensure he’s not disrupting the office 🪄 I only bring him when our sitter is unavailable for daycare on a day that both Liam and I have to be in the office 🪄 dogs aren’t allowed on public transit during rush hour, so we use our very own Knight Bus, @goober_rides, to commute to and from the office 🪄 when I get comments about how well-behaved Dobby is, it makes me so happy & proud to see our training pay off! I think Professor Flitwick would be proud 🥹 Let me know what other questions you have about Dobby coming to the Ministry of Magic with me! #harrypotter #harrypottertiktok #harrypottertok #dogfriendly #bringyourdogtowork #harrypotterspells #accio #recall #recalltraining #trainyourdog #avadakedavra #tricktraining #wizardingworld #harrypotterdog #dogtok #dogtraining #dogtiktok ♬ A Window to the Past (Harry Potter) – Je Suis Parte

Obyvateľka Toronta pomenovala psíka plemena Labradoodle po Dobbym, domácom škriatkovi zo série „Harry Potter“.

Li začala učiť svojho štvornohého čarodejníka kúzla, keď mal len pár mesiacov.

„Accio (k nohe) bolo prvé kúzlo, ktoré sa Dobby naučil vo veku 11 týždňov a môj partner Liam bol vlastne ten, kto naučil Dobbyho Accio!“ pokračovala.

Chápe, že „expelliarmus“ znamená „odhoď to“, „wingardium leviosa“ znamená „vyskočiť“ a „choď do Azkabanu“ je príkaz dostať sa do jeho prepravky.

@dobbyisafreedoodle So if Dobby responds to Harry Potter spells, does that make him a wizard? Or does that make me a witch casting spells on my muggle dog? 🤔 I knew long before Dobby came along that I would train my future dog with Harry Potter spells instead of regular commands. I love feeling like I have real life magical powers everytime I ask him to come, stay, or play dead 🪄 Some fun facts about our spells: 🪄 Accio (come / recall) was the first spell Dobby learned at 11 weeks old, and Liam was actually the one to teach Dobby to Accio! 🪄 Protego was supposed to be „leave it“, but the words „leave it“ come screaming out of my mouth much more naturally when Dobby tries to eat garbage on our walks, so we changed Protego to tuck 🪄 We tried Petrificus Totalus for stay, but it was too much of a mouthful for a command that’s used frequently, so we opted for Immobulus instead (we’re now working on Petrificus Totalus for „sit pretty“) 🪄 Avada Kedavra is the most requested spell by people we meet out in the world who learn that Dobby know Harry Potter commands 🪄 Go to Azkaban is my personal favourite – it makes me laugh every night to send him to Azkaban and see him happily trot into his crate! 🪄 Ascendio and Descendo also mean jump up / jump down 🪄 Stupefy is the spell we use most often on a daily basis What other spells should Dobby learn at Dogwarts this year? #harrypottertiktok #harrypottertok #harrypotter #harrypotterdog #dogwarts #harrypotterspells #accio #expelliarmus #avadakedavra #azkaban #yerawizard #dogtok #dogtraining #trainyourdog #tricktraining ♬ Harry’s Wondrous World (Theme from Harry Potter) – John Williams & Synchron Stage Orchestra & Wizarding World

„Skúsili sme „Petrificus Totalus“ na ostaň,“ pokračovala Li, „ale bolo to príliš veľké sústo na príkaz, ktorý sa často používa, takže sme sa namiesto toho rozhodli pre „Immobulus“ (teraz pracujeme na „Petrificus Totalus“ pre „seď pekne“).“

Li priznala, že najžiadanejšie kúzlo, ktoré Dobby dostáva od obdivovateľov, je „Avada Kedavra“, čo v preklade znamená „hraj sa na mŕtveho“.


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