
Ako sa od natáčania zmenili herci z Harryho Pottera?

Natáčanie Harryho Pottera trvalo 10 rokov. Herci tomuto natáčaniu zasvätili tretinu svojho života, no nie všetci pokračovali vo svojej hereckej kariére – niektorí z nich sa stali napríklad fotografmi či hudobníkmi. A tak isto sa zmenil aj ich vzhľad. Spoznali by ste ich dnes?

#1 James a Oliver Phelps (Fred a George Weasley)

Zdroj: OliverPhelps ‏ / Twitter, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire / Warner Bros.


#2 Stanislav Ianevski (Viktor Krum)

Zdroj: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire / Warner Bros., Eva Rinaldi / Wikimedia Commons


#3 Sean Biggerstaff (Oliver Wood)

Zdroj: Seanchuckle ‏ / Twitter, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone / Warner Bros.


#4 Luke Youngblood (Lee Jordan)

Zdroj: Galavant / ABC, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone / Warner Bros.


#5 Hugh Mitchell (Colin Creevey)

Zdroj: hughmitchell1 / Twitter, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets / Warner Bros.


#6 Matthew Lewis (Neville Longbottom)

Zdroj: Mattdavelewis ‏/ Twitter, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone / Warner Bros.


#7 Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy)

Zdroj: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets / Warner Bros., t22felton / Instagram


#8 Joshua Herdman (Gregory Goyle)

Zdroj: ROC: Rise of Champions / Facebook, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban / Warner Bros.


#9 Evanna Lynch (Luna Lovegood)

Zdroj: Evanna Lynch / Facebook, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 / Warner Bros.


#10 Harry Melling (Dudley Dursley)

Zdroj: Fred Duval/MEGA/Mega Agency/East News, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix / Warner Bros.


#11 Devon Murray (Seamus Finnigan)

Zdroj: DevonMMurray / Twitter, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 / Warner Bros.


#12 Bonnie Wright (Ginny Weasley)

Zdroj: Steven Ferdman/Sipa USA/East News, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 / Warner Bros.


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